We want your help. akishi is a webtainment ring (cool word huh). In this ring we will have links to numerous entertaining websites. So how do you join? It costs nothing and benefits you and us as we both get to view interesting sites. So to join email us. Just leave a brief description of your site, your web address and an email address and we will contact you with the information to help you join akishi and get noticed. We will view everypage submitted and will reply to every email, so help us, to help you to provide good internet entertainment and to help keep the net free. If you want to help or have any ideas just leave an email at [email protected] and title it 'Help for you'. If you want to help in web design, title the email 'Web design'. For the most consistently helpful and supportive persons we will request them to help us permantly, so you will be partners with Akira, Bishi and Bykrikey, and have more say in the shape of akishi as we get bigger and may even make a career out of it, so what have you got to lose?
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